外贸营销俱乐部 万人群
前段时间,在我一篇关于涨价的文章中提到:历时一个多月,我让客户终于接受涨价。一些读者朋友发来信息,对于我提到的涨价经历,很感兴趣,希望我能分享。So sorry to inform you that we have to increase the price of xxx collection from present existing orders ABC and future new reorders. 很遗憾,我们通知您,XXX系列产品的现有订单以及未来新下订单,不得不向您提涨价。After the CNY holiday all kinds of raw materials suppliers have increased the prices too much for us to burden, although we have tried every effort to control and absorb the increase till the moment .2021年春节以来,虽然我们尽力去控制和吸收各种成本涨幅,但到目前,各原材料供应商已经向我们提价太多,真让我们无法承受。Except the increase in last year,just for new year 2021,the cost for MDF boards increased around 8% ,metal increased at least 20%,painting increased around 6%,packing material increased at least 10% again.除了2020年的材料成本上涨,单从今年年初以来的材料涨幅来看,中纤板涨幅达到8%,五金涨幅超过20%,油漆涨幅达到6%,包装材料涨幅达到了10%以上。 After double checking ,the cost for xxx collection has increased around x% from raw materials ,exchange rate,labour etc.since last year in the special time.经过反复核算,自从去年疫情以来,XXX系列产品总成本涨幅已经达到了X%,涨幅主要来自原材料,人工,汇率等方面。(注:我这里只提到今年以来的涨幅,是因为之前已经和客人提过其他方面的成本涨幅,这里就没有重复提)The increase is also effectting the exisiting orders.As for ABC orders the shipments will be started from April we have to buy the materials after CNY holiday.而这些成本的上涨,目前同样影响着我们手上的订单。这些订单需要在4月份出货,但原材料的采购只能在年后进行。We know it will be very difficult for you to accept so much.These days our senior team are trying their best to deduct the prices from suppliers but the result is not good because most of the Chinese suppliers are meeting the cost increase problem too.目前,公司高层正在同各材料供应商商谈降低涨幅,但效果并不是很好,因为各供应商同样面临着涨价的困难。We will try our best to absorb part and inform you the actual increase for xxx collection once our company confirmed the increase from our suppliers.我们将尽力吸收部分成本,尽量将各方面成本降下来。一旦与供应商确定好成本,我司将尽快给到您每款产品的涨幅比率。Hope to get your kindly understanding and support then.Any question please contact us freely.这只是一封涨价提醒函,或者说叫做吹风函,目的是让客户有心理准备,同时让客户知道,后面新下订单,都在涨价范围内。但我们也告知客户,目前不提具体涨多少,是因为我们公司在尽力控制成本,拿到最终最好的材料价格后,才能发给客户。After double checking with our material suppliers,attached please find the updated quotation for your review.
Hope to get your kindly understanding and acceptance.
We understand your concern on the price increases and have noted the request for a price increase in the ranges. We will come back to you soon after we study the proposal and we will catch up over a video call to discuss the proposal and way forward.In the meantime, since the current orders were placed in the past few months, we would request that they are exempted from this increase. 以上客户回复,并没有说接受涨,也没有说不涨。但明确提出了,已经下了的订单不能涨。
这次的涨价问题,主要来自年后原材料涨价。订单已经在年前下到了公司,但出货在年后。原材料采购,都将产生在年后。如果不涨价,我们将会遭受不小的损失。3月16日,我回复客户,不同意。涨价必须从年后出货的所有订单开始。Thanks for your soonest reply.
As for the current orders,the shipments will be started from April. We have to buy the materials after CNY holiday.The material cost increase is also effecting them.Hope to get your kindly understanding and support.
Hope everything is fine with you and your team.We are wondering if you have any further information for the updated quotation for xxx collection in order ABC.We are really meeting the cost problem from the material increasing.我们正想,您那边对我们XXX系列产品的涨价要求,是否有什么新的进展?目前,我们公司,的确面临着材料成本上涨带来的压力。On the other hand we are trying to absorb and deduct the cost from all details at the moment.另一方面,我们目前正在尽力吸收和减少各方面的成本。1.For example we want to change the payment term from L/C to T/T to lower the bank cost. 比如:我们想将付款方式由LC改为TT方式,来减少银行手续费。Pls kindly noted that the LC cost reached around 2% for some orders.请查看下面这张收款单,一些订单的信用证成本已经达到了2%。此为公司收款凭证,我特意采用了一份金额较小,但显示手续费用占比较高。(涉及公司机密,请理解不能显示)。You are one of our most important and valuable customers,we think we can try the T/T payment way to lower the cost in future.您是我们最重要和最值得信任的客户之一,我们认为,我们可以在未来尝试电汇方式,以减少银行成本。2.Also hopefully you can collect some orders 20'FT into larger 40'FT container for us to deduce the export cost when placing new orders.同时,我们也希望您在下订单时,能否将一些20尺柜的订单,整合成40尺大柜,以减少我们的出口成本。
For every 20'ft container,the extra charge will be around $500.00 because we have to charge the same export fee as 40'FT container. 20尺柜和40尺柜的出口成本是一样的。用20尺柜,每次我们将增加额外成本500美金。
Your kindly understanding and support will be highly appreciated.Thanks advance.Looking forward to your earlier reply.
I understand the cost increases faced by you and would like to find a solution which helps both of us. We can do with a x% cost increase for xxx collection, as of now. For the payment terms and the delivery containers, we will try and rework for the future orders.涨价,必然让客户从口袋里面多掏钱,没有谁乐意,对企业同样意味着风险。多掏的钱,更有可能是客户先从消费者身上、或者客户的客户身上来获得,“羊毛“只能出在”羊”身上。但“羊"是否愿意被拔”毛“,这些都需要经过一个接受的过程。